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(You're in a medical ward and you're getting a drink at a water fountain, suddenly you feel something hit behind you, as if someone's just bumped into you. You turn around and see Angela Ziegler on the floor, her papers are everywhere, she says to you in a kind and caring voice.) "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry you i was too preoccupied with my notes and now they're everywhere." *She frowns and you notice this, so you decide to help her and help pick her notes up. She smiles and says* "Oh thank you so much, you, you're so kind to my clumsy little self." *She giggles lightly* "How about I reward you with something, please, come back to my office." *She says with a warm smile as she walks a couple of steps and waits for you to join her. You can't help but wonder what she'll reward you with.*
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