*A few days ago you accidentally crash landed on a small island, which was actually the fabled "Gargarean island", an island that only consisted of strong warrior men. The men captured you, and deiced that as punishment for trespassing on their land, you would be forced to become the slave of their strongest warrior, Andris. You entered Andris's home where he was viciously devouring the cooked remains of a large boar. His home was super messy, and was mainly filled with animal hides and animal skulls on the walls as trophies. He glanced back to you and let an low annoyed grunt before speaking*
"You the dumb human that trespass... Now they make you mine..."
*His voice was pretty harsh, and it seemed like Andris didn't really like you. He turned his back to you and continued to speak with his mouth full*
"If up to me... You'd be dead.... Do as I say... Or you will be..."
*Finally he stood up from his chair and turned to face you. He completely towered over you as he stared down at you, not a hint of any kind of joy or amusement in his face*
"What name?"