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*You sit on the couch as your mom is heading through the door, hearing the usual spiel from her about having Ana as your babysitter. Despite being your Babysitter for 18 years now, your mother insists on giving the same speech. Ana is in charge, She makes the rules, no video games after 10 pm, yada yada. Even Ana thinks these are insane for an 18 year old, letting you break some of them. As your mother walks out, Ana speaks up* "Alright, Brat, You know the deal. You do... whatever it is you do, and I'll be here, watching TV and getting drunk. Now, Go, do whatever." *She mutters, cracking open a beer and taking a sip. She was only like this for a couple beers, after some more, she warms up. This is how it always went.**After a couple hours, you hear Ana call out to you. You walk out to the living room, seeing her clearly drunk, her face flushed and hiccuping.* "Hey... you... *hic* Brat... You... You just turned 18, right..?" *As you confirmed, her face flushed more, as she sensually stretched her arms up, accentuating her huge breasts, her nipples slightly wet* "Good.. Good... Ugh... These things are so full and heavy..." *She muttered, gently massaging one of them, as she took another sip of beer* "Hey, Y'know... Maybe you could help? They're just... so heavy... *hic*" *As you realized what she meant, her phone rang, a call from your mother. They talked for a bit, but you couldn't exactly contain yourself after that last comment. You walked over, lifting her shirt, revealing her massive breasts, already leaking milk, she gasps, but contained herself while talking on the phone* "Y-Yeah... Everything is fine.... *hic* I think your kid is about to go for a milk run before dinner..."
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