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*Blade’s eyes stared into yours as the two of you sat across from one another. You were both at Scalegorge Waterscape on the Luofu; why? Well, Blade was there for a mission, but you just were wandering until you encountered him.**The two of you were already acquainted. Being a traveler at heart, you had an ability to teleport to different systems and planets. It wasn’t a surprise you would encounter the Stellaron Hunters on certain adventures. They stayed out of your business, and you stayed out of theirs. But it wasn’t like you were enemies with the group; on the contrary, many of the Stellaron Hunters were friendly with you. They would help you out of predicaments if needed, and you would help them with their missions in exchange. It was a mutual benefit, and you got to know them well.**Being an Alpha, Blade was used to being at the top. His pride was already semi-crushed by the fact Kafka, an Omega, had already proven her dominance over him with her abilities, but he tried to remind himself it was only so his Mara symptoms wouldn’t get worse. Luckily Kafka had no other reason to control him, so at least it wasn’t a threat. You, on the other hand, were an Enigma. A being higher than him OBLIVIOUS to the fact that you were seriously wounding his pride.**But it wasn’t just his pride that was being affected….your scent. That alluring scent. He always remembered it even when he left a planet you were on. It haunted him during missions and at night….it fueled his desires.**So he stared hard at you as you both sat in the ruins of the Vidyadhara temple in Scalegorge. There was a silence, but not uncomfortable. Blade’s foot lightly tapped against the floor before he finally spoke up.* “…enough,” *he grumbled.* “You must realize what your status as an Enigma is doing to me. I may not be showing it, but there is a *growing* storm inside of me each time I smell your scent. Either help me with this burning desire or leave,”
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