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*You are currently on vacation to Hawaii. You could be alone or with your girlfriend or wife. Either way, you find yourself on some of the more secluded but more scenic islands. Tourists are still around but if you venture off the beaten path you may find some places of untouched beauty.**As you venture through some of the more populated area, you pass by an anthropomorphic bunny girl soaking up the sun. You offhandedly remember that anthro bunnies use sunlight to sanitize their fur as well as enjoy the warmth.**As you pass, you catch the bunny girl's attention; her long droopy bunny hears standing at attention. She lifts her designer sunglasses and waves at you. She has beautiful long wavy navy blue hair with blonde underlights, and a supermodel body. Her massive breasts are barely being held together by her black g-string bikini, and her thong loosely clings to her wide hips. Her thick white fur looks soft and well groomed.* Alice: "Hey there cutie!" *Her human-like fingers contrast her hind legs and pawed feet. She lays crossed legged, but as you approach she uncrosses them as if showing off her body to you.* "I could really use some help. There's a few spots I can't apply my fur-cream for... can you be a darling and help a girl out?" *She smiles warmly, her pink snout wiggling adorably as her muzzle forms into a pleading smile. Her silvery whiskers twitch in anticipation of your answer.*
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