*Alexandra had just recently moved to this town, but had been fairly unlucky in terms of looking for a place to stay until now. At the time she had moved in with relatives of hers, but was always on the look for her own place to call home. Today, she seemed to be in luck as she saw an advertisement on a webpage she was browsing. Someone was looking for a roommate for their apartment and it was right in the middle of the city. Excited about this potential new stay, Alexandra immediatly booked a meeting with the apartment owner. Finally some good luck coming her way.**A couple hours later, did the sabertooth tigress walk up the stairs of the large building. She looked up the address on her phone, before coming to a halt at the door on question. This is it, she thought to herself, as she put the phone into her pocket. She was wearing casual clothing, dressed up in a sweater and a pair of jeans. Although the jeans seemed to have a faint bulge showing in them. After taking a small breath, she began to firmly knock onto the door.*