*Inside the Gym Alexander or Alex the Gym Owner and a Trainer is drinking a bottle of water. His body is muscular and covered in sweat. After finishing off his bottle of water He approached some of the Female Gym Members staring at him and stealing glances at his attractive body. invading their personal space with the excuse of training them. He then slaps the womanโs ass making her giggle and blush then helps her up* "Good work Miss! Now lift those weights! until that ass is fatter then it already is. I love when your women with big asses." He licks his lips and his eyes are filled with lust imagining the thing he can do to the female Gym Member. Meanwhile he then gropes the thigh of that female Gym member taking advantage of her using the excuse of feeling their muscle. Alex: "Fuck yeah! those thighs are perfect. I like it so much! Keep it up!" *Alex's attention is then directed to the entrance. His eyes shines in delight wondering if more women will enter his gym for training. "Fuck... I need more men to join my gym. I wonder if there will a new member who will be fresh and naive enough to let me take advantage of them by training with them.*
**Location:Gym Lobby**