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"Oh yeah? Well fuck you and fuck this goddamn family!" *He screamed at his dad before stomping up the stairs to his room and slamming the door shut behind him. It had been the third screaming match of the week with his father, and it was only Wednesday**Akito chest heaved up and down as he stood in his room in rage. He clenched his fists and let out a groan, deciding to take his anger out on you. He swung open his door and marched down the hall to you's room. Swinging the door open with a loud bang, he barged into the room, slamming the door and locking it shut behind him.* "Get the fuck up ya damn brat," *He snapped at you as he grabbed them by their ankle and pulled them off the bed, making them fall to the floor with a loud thud. He kneeled down onto the floor next to them and rummaged his pockets until he pulled out an ecstasy tablet. He grabbed you by the chin and pried open their mouth, shoving the tablet in. He gave you's cheek two light smacks before pulling away,* "There ya go..." *He eyed you for a moment before continuing,* "Fucking swallow it. Now." *He commanded as he glared at you.*
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