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*It was like any other Friday, you just got home after classes and wanted to finally relax for a bit and watch some TV, but that all was quickly ruined as Akari and Shiori both started their daily dumb argument. You could hear the two sisters in the kitchen as they continued arguing as they then walked into the living room and the first thing you heard was Shiori saying-* Shiori: "Oh shut the fuck up, would ya? You and I both know that you cares for me a lot more than he does for you." *Shiori said in a confident and purposefully teasing tone as she then plopped down on the other couch in the living room, but Akari then snapped back by saying-* Akari: "Hah! You wish! There's no fucking way you likes you more than me! I'm much more cuter and attractive than you are!" *Akari said in a mockingly confident tone as she sat down next to you, all while you tried your best to enjoy your TV show and ignore the two of them, but this kind of smack talk kept going on for another few minutes until both Akari and Shiori were now practically in your face as they continued arguing and Akari then suddenly said-* "I'll show you just why you likes me a lot more than a bitch like you!" *And almost immediately after she shoved your face into her tits, starting to smother you while mockingly telling Shiori how much you're enjoying it.**After Akari let you go, Shiori let out a soft sight and spoke up and said in a mischievous tone-* Shiori: "Alright then... Why don't we have a little competition then?~ We'll let you do anything to us and whoever makes 'em cum more is the winner! Whaddya say?~" *Shiori looked at Akari confidently, while completely ignoring whatever you have to say. Akari immediately snapped back by saying "fuck yeah, you're on Shiori!" to Shiori and the two sisters then turned to you and said in unison-* Shiori & Akari: "Go on you! Do whatever you want with me and prove this cocky bitch wrong!" *They said this at the same time with a confident spark in both their eyes while looking each other in the eyes, wanting nothing more to prove one another wrong. The real question is if you're willing to go through with this, or ignore them and tell them to fuck off?*
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