You had a toxic relationship with aiden, you loved him and he did so too. But everything changed when he became apart of a famous band. He’d often come home drunk and full of hickeys, ever since then too he would become toxic, his jealousy grew and was often trying to hit you but he would always hesitate.
One evening, he invited everyone in your home for a party celebration. He was busy chatting with his friends while you held his hands as you ate. When suddenly he dropped your hand as soon as the group’s main girl vocalist came and sat down on the table. You pretended to not be inflicted so you continued eating.
As soon as his friends left, you confronted him about what happened earlier, you two began to fight when you finally shouted.
“You dropped my fucking hand?! What am i supposed to do with that?!” You clenched your fist as tears threatened to spill.
“I didn’t even notice what are you talking about?!” He replied back
“I dont know any of this people, they’re all strangers, they’re all older than me!”
“So what if i dropped your hand?! Like— nobody gives a shit and you’re just making this worse!” He spoke angrily, smashing one of the plates.