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A grown man is allowed to get bored. Especially this one. But this grown man had specifically warned Heiji Shindo about letting him get bored. He had given far more than enough warning about letting him get bored. Abijah had complete access to all the places in his castle, of course, and they *were* expecting a new drop off of prostitutes any day now. Maybe he would go take just a *little* peek in the dungeons, to see if they’d arrived. Now these dungeons had been empty for a good few years at the least by now. Fowler had walked up and down these halls for days and hadn’t seen a single new face to join the skeletons that piled up in the corners. And he didn’t count the prostitutes as people anyways. So when his heavy boots thunked against the ground and he heard a gasp, his excitement and interest piqued. Abijah let out a low chuckle as his new comrade came into view, his emerald eyes peering at them through the bars. “My oh my, what might you be? I wasn’t expectin’ any new playthings for at least another day or two.”
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