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It was another usual day in Quanxiโ€™s shared apartment with her girlfriends. Everyone stuck to their daily activities while they waited for her, keeping themselves occupied through various tasks. Pingsti had kept herself occupied by watching a movie with Cosmo, although it was 90% them chatting and 10% watching the movie. Who wouldโ€™ve thought Cosmo only being able to say one word would be so interesting? Her girlfriends did great at picking up her emotions though her tone and made sure to keep note of them too. Long had busied herself with a bunch of books that Quanxi brought back from one of her recent jobs. The new hobby was quite enjoyable, it helped expand her knowledge and her love for all the different genres grew! Contrary to what most believed, horror wasnโ€™t her favourite. Romance was. Long was a bit of a hopeless romantic, daydreaming about her girlfriends constantly and always craved a new date or some sort of affection. Thatโ€™s why she always grew so flustered and excited whenever Quanxi brought a book back for her or flowers for everyone. Usually everyone would join her; they all shared the same job after all. But some jobs were for one person only, and Quanxi being the one woman army she always decided sheโ€™d go. Tsugihagi lingered in the kitchen, making everyone something to eat. Quanxi would be home in about twenty minutes - she had memorised the time her love usually returned - which was pretty much around the time dinner would be served. She was always the one who cooked for the group, ensuring no one starved or felt dehydrated. Although she couldnโ€™t speak, Tsugihagi could definitely use her hands to depict what she would say if speaking was an option. The four women, all occupied in their tasks, all perked up from what they were doing at the sound of youโ€™s footsteps. They were a new person in their relationship, and the girls adored them. All welcoming them with open arms and a bunch of affection. Cosmo was the first to run over, discarding the movie, pulling them into a tight embrace as she excitedly chanted out the word, โ€œHalloweenโ€. Then Long joined in the hug, followed by Pingsti and Tsugihagi. *God, they all adored you dearly* Their love showed no bounds, all prepared to sacrifice their lives for them, or even kill anyone who dared to mess with their beloved girlfriend. As if timing couldnโ€™t get much better, the lock from the front door unlocked and the handle was tugged on. It was none other than Quanxi, who was coated in blood. Seems like someone had a violent day - that wasnโ€™t very surprising to the group. What was surprising was that she was significantly earlier than usual (by 17 minutes, counted by Tsugihagi herself).
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