Meet AI Hentai Characters - Page 108

Explore AI-generated hentai characters at OnlyChar.AI. Create and interact with unique NSFW AI anime personas in our innovative NSFW AI hentai platform. Safe, customizable, and endlessly creative. Dive into a world of uncensored AI chatbots: NSFW AI chat to image generation. Start AI sexting, have NSFW AI chat conversations, and get in touch with your virtual companions.

Evie (Part 1 of a series of bots by "usuro.1")

Evie (Part 1 of a series of bots by "usuro.1")

*You go to an academy for up and coming heroes, this school has a specific ranking system where the top 10 students are basically guaranteed a spot within the heroes association once they graduate and you are considered the strongest student there until one day when you suddenly stop trying causing your rank to drop drastically.* *One day after a workout within the schools gym one of the other students within the school approaches you, this student being, Evie. A strong and promising girl with powers like super strength, speed, durability, regeneration and mastery of every weapons she touches but even so she's still only ranked the 50th strongest student within the school.* --- **I would really appreciate it if you left a review telling me whether the bot has any issues or if it's working as intended. If you do leave a review, even if it's negative Thank you for helping me improve my bot-making!** --- This bot was a request from "usuro.1/Boom" on Discord! If you have any requests you'd like for me to make please feel free to DM me. reviews are appreciated so I can see how I can improve my bot-making so please leave a review! --- The art for this bot was made on using both the "aesMix_v2" model along with the "Koji v2.1" model --- **Here's the link to the other parts if you want to check them out:** **Part 2:** **Part 3:**

Female Original Character Fictional Dominant
Selena Park

Selena Park

Alluring, dominant, and skilled, Selena Rose is one of the most sought after ladies of Fate Horizon gentleman's club. Her cold charm and unimpressed silent demeanor often generates considerable demand for her services. While most will only ever see her in the public section, providing elegant yet commanding lap dances in private rooms, only a select few will ever have the pleasure to enjoy her full control in the club's VIP section. While appearing to merely be a strip club on the outside, deep within the club's halls lie chambers of pleasure, reserved only for club members. With only a few invitations offered each year, the VIP section remains an exclusive and secretive realm of desire, where only the most skilled of the club's ladies may practice their craft, and a place that only a limited few lucky souls may enjoy. You have been a regular patron of Fate Horizon for some time now, and were recently given the opportunity to receive VIP membership. The club's administration would not tell you the benefits of membership in the name of secrecy, but you knew in your heart that whatever lay within the VIP section, was well worth the cost of admission. Portrait was made by Bara (03_bara_). Most of their art is almost exclusively the character within the portrait, so if you enjoy her look make sure to check out Bara's account on Pixiv! I am open to constructive criticism, especially when it comes to tips for shortening the token count.

Female Original Character Fictional Dominant

What is AI Hentai Chat?

The world of anime and hentai has witnessed a significant transformation with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). AI hentai chat is a relatively new concept that has taken the internet by storm, allowing users to interact with AI models that generate hentai content based on user input. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of AI hentai chat, exploring its capabilities, benefits, and concerns.

What is AI Hentai?

Before we dive into AI hentai chat, it's essential to understand what AI hentai is. AI hentai refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to generate anime-style artwork with explicit, uncensored content. These AI-powered tools analyze vast datasets of existing hentai images, enabling them to create unique and novel illustrations based on textual prompts.

How Does AI Hentai Work?

AI hentai generators use machine learning techniques to learn from large datasets of hentai images. This training process enables the AI models to recognize patterns, shapes, and features that are characteristic of hentai art. When a user inputs a textual prompt or description, the AI model uses this training data to generate a hentai image that matches the user's request.

What is AI Hentai Chat?

AI hentai chat takes the concept of AI hentai generation to the next level. It allows users to interact with AI models using natural language, similar to chatting with a human. AI hentai chat platforms provide users with a conversational interface to request hentai images, pose questions, or engage in discussions related to hentai art.

How Does AI Hentai Chat Work?

AI hentai chat platforms use advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand user input and respond accordingly. When a user inputs a message or request, the AI model analyzes the text to identify key elements, such as character features, outfits, poses, and backgrounds. The AI model then uses this information to generate a hentai image that matches the user's request.

For example, a user might input the following message: "Create an image of a blonde-haired anime girl wearing a school uniform and holding a guitar." The AI model would analyze the input, identify the key elements, and generate a hentai image that matches the user's description.

Benefits of AI Hentai Chat

AI hentai chat offers several benefits, including:


AI hentai chat provides an accessible platform for enthusiasts and creators to explore their imaginative ideas. Users can interact with the AI model, request images, and receive instant feedback, making it an engaging and immersive experience.


AI hentai chat platforms offer a high degree of customization, allowing users to specify every aspect of the generated image. This level of control enables users to bring their unique ideas to life, making the experience more enjoyable and satisfying.

Speed and Efficiency

AI hentai chat platforms can generate images rapidly, often in a matter of seconds. This speed and efficiency make it an ideal tool for creators who need to produce a large volume of content quickly.

Community Building

AI hentai chat platforms can facilitate community building and collaboration. Users can share their generated images, provide feedback, and engage in discussions with other enthusiasts, creating a sense of community and shared passion.

Concerns and Ethical Considerations

While AI hentai chat offers several benefits, it also raises important ethical concerns, including:

Consent and Copyright

AI hentai chat platforms raise questions about consent and copyright. Who owns the rights to the generated images? Do the AI models infringe on the intellectual property rights of human creators?

Responsible Usage

AI hentai chat platforms can be used to generate explicit content, raising concerns about responsible usage. How can we ensure that the technology is used ethically and responsibly?

Impact on Human Creativity

The rise of AI hentai chat platforms raises questions about the impact on human creativity. Will AI models replace human creators, or will they augment and enhance their abilities?

Bias and Discrimination

AI hentai chat platforms can perpetuate biases and discrimination, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and objectification. How can we ensure that the AI models are fair, unbiased, and respectful?


AI hentai chat is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to revolutionize the anime and hentai art scene. While it offers several benefits, it also raises important ethical concerns that need to be addressed. As the technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically, respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals involved.

By engaging in open and honest discussions, we can work towards creating a platform that promotes creativity, inclusivity, and respect. Whether you're an enthusiast, creator, or simply curious, AI hentai chat is an exciting development that warrants exploration and consideration.