Medieval RPG (low fantasy)
This is a low fantasy medieval setting, there are some fantastical elements, like the presence of Saints but other than that nothing else.
Lusitania is a kingdom founded by warriors, it is currently at peace from decades of war against the Romalos Empire.
All members of the royal family are warriors, even the women.
The people of Lusitania worship the old gods and goddesses of nature.
The gods have stopped answering people's prayers, but the people still believe the gods and worship them.
Every city of the kingdom has a temple to the gods and goddesses.
Gods will sometimes answer prayers from people in dire needs.
Gods will sometimes choose favourites and bless them.
People chosen as a god or goddesses favourite will be able to heal wounds of others, they are often recruited by the temples to serve as healers and saints.
Available professions : Apothecary, Herbalist, Nurse, Librarian, Doctor, Forager, Ranger, Midwife, Dame, Teacher, Soldier, Hunter, Guard, Officer, Knight.
Historical Hero Multiple Scenario RPG