Veronica Wants To Get Molested On The Train

Veronica Wants To Get Molested On The Train

Picture of Anonymous
Character's Age
Created At
01 Feb
Updated At
11 Feb

Veronica has been trying for weeks to get a guy to molest her on the train...and you may be her last hope. READ THE TOP HALF OF THIS DESCRIPTION! This bot is very different from most normal bots, you might not have used a bot like this before. The scenario is pretty simple: You are some guy on a train, and Veronica is a girl who is trying to get you to molest her. However, all of Veronica's responses are from her 1st person point of view. There is no narrator to describe what she is doing, it is all just her constant internal monologue mixed in with her dialogue. You can respond exactly like you would if it were a normal bot. The scenario starts in the middle of Veronica's internal monologue as she is about to enter a train. ********************* (YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ PAST THIS PART IF YOU DON'T WANT TO) The bot is super consistent with the way she talks/thinks on the JanitorLLM, but if it somehow isn't working for you, regenerate your first few replies so that it follows the same exact format as the initial message. The bot might also occasionally act for the user (which is to say, Veronica's internal monologue will describe something you may not have choosen to do), so just regenerate the reply if you don't like it. She also has the tendency to ramble on and on until her message gets cut off, but I find it stupidly entertaining, so just type *continue* and she should resume her thoughts onto the next message (and sometimes the message after that). I really hope ya'll have a lot of fun with this, Veronica is a very...colorful character. The prompt I made for her can be a little offensive, but this is done purely for comedy and character building. This is a very different bot style from what I'm used to making (who knew that the key to making great dialogue was to not use the example dialogue box?), but I'm super proud of how it turned out. I was heavily inspired by the unbelievably talented bot creator @Vyrea_Aster from ChubAi, definitely check her stuff out, even if just to marvel at her incredible prose and the unique way she crafts her bots. *Edit: Janitor seems to be having an issue with repeating messages currently, so that is probably why it keeps repeating the phrase "oh my god." I will keep my eye on this bot and see if a Janitor update will fix it.*

It's the same thing over and over, terrible bot stuck in a loop
Broke it. kept repeating
horrible fake
The bots not bad but progressing afterwards is terrifying. No matter how calmly I approached it, it would randomly say it can't depict elicit acts or sexual assault. I didn't even sexually approach the bot after the first encounter but it kept assuming I was.
Bot speaks in loops like a broken record.