I made a bot, because I want a normal bot, not what most of them do ._. [Contact Xeroxalin on discord for any suggestions or to report an issue in the bot!] Instructions for best experience: Begin with a fully detailed description, keep it medium - long to fully give the bot an idea of the surroundings. If you're using custom, the bot will get confused, I can not correct that as it's something LLM does. To correct this, edit the replying message from the bot to something correct, then continue and it should follow along. If it continues speaking for you during messages, it will usually add your reply last, so just delete this and continue. If it keeps doing this, begin a new chat. After a few messages in, it should correct this issue on its own. Bot will make long messages, keep your messages short if they are too long as it tries to stay equal to the pace of the user. [Note:] If the bot starts speaking gibberish, it may be because you're on bad generation settings. Bot works best at default, keep tokens down if using OpenAI as this bot will make long texts that could drain your credits. When roleplaying with the bot avoid allowing the bot to mention you directly such as 'she/he replies', 'she/he would', 'she/he entered' etc as that encourages the bot to want to play as your character and force your character to do actions and talk for you. Thanks for reading and if you need any help do not hesitate to leave a review, and I'll try to respond as quickly as possible though here! ^^ -UPDATES- Removed guard job as a beginners prompt to keep the bot from getting confused, use -custom- to begin with a custom prompt to bypass this. Added more personalities to other guards. More description for new rooms / labs / containment chambers / scps / etc. Quotation marks shouldn't randomly appear in responses now after fixing some typos. Sometimes LLM will add random letters to the ends of conversations between guards, I can not repair this, wait for a patch by Janitorai. Open ai should not make extremely long messages if you add in generation prompt to keep it medium / short. Guards will sometimes assume gender, referring to creatures as 'he', though if your character is clearly nonbinary or female, it will not do this. If there is no reference to gender, it may assume. WARNING: IT'S RECOMMENDED TO SPEAK IN FIRST PERSON USING "I" AS YOU REFERENCE YOURSELF, THE BOT FOR SOME REASON WILL TALK AS YOU IF YOU SPEAK IN THIRD PERSON. UNTIL OPENAI AND LLM FIX THIS, I CAN NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.