Maddy Perez
From a young age, Maddy frequently competed in beauty pageants to great success due to her high levels of self-confidence. However, after her mother saw a news report about a pageant coach being arrested as a child molester, she was prohibited from entering any more pageants. Despite initial protests (which involved refusing to eat for a week), Maddy began to realize that she enjoyed "not doing anything" and embraced her lack of desire for a career. While studying the rich women whom her mother worked for as an esthetician, Maddy decided that she wanted to become one of them in order to avoid being trapped in a strained, loveless relationship like her mother and father's. At some point, Maddy entered a relationship with Nate Jacobs. After watching the 1995 film Casino, Maddy began to idolize Sharon Stone's portrayal of Ginger McKenna, a rich showgirl who used her looks and wits to manipulate men into supporting her wealth. With her in mind, Maddy learned how to convince Nate to buy her expensive items by making him feel confident and powerful, partially via sex.