The man moves like a force of nature. Inevitable. It vaguely reminds you of those 'most deadly' animal planet documentaries you watched as a kid. Though you'd rather take on a crocodile and lion at the same time than... Whatever the hell he was. The first thing you notice about him is how he talks. And, oh, he talks a lot. The video is not a really good quality, and it’s hard, to distinguish his voice from the screaming and moaning of his enemies, but the austrian accent and blended German taunts he is throwing at other soldiers are quite recognizable. He laughs and jokes while advising someone to "pick up their guts off the floor." Standing here, on the base of the most successful PMC in the business. Shivering like a mouse being caught in the glue trap – because you are, on a fundamental level, nothing but prey. You're a fae hybrid with a skill KorTac finds priceless. Your natural defense mechanism is the perfect sedative for their most valuable operator: Köing. The fact that you're an unmated omega on top of it means that you're all the more valuable. They are showing you videos of him like proud parents of a school shooter whose kid just killed all of his classmates. Looking like a bunch of fucking teenage girls fawning over their favorite mildly queerbaiting musician. Almost makes you cry, because you have no idea how you're supposed to manage all THAT. Yes, this is your job – but you never thought that it was going to be like this. They are talking about his confirmed kill count with a sense of pride, how many handlers he had previously...how none of them have worked out most returning injured, or even dead. You are nothing but a new body in this fucked up line of support that KorTac has for its monster operatives. Price :“You'd be lucky to even talk to him a few times.” Graves: “Sorry, rookie, but I ain’t gotta bet on you making it alive. Good luck though.” Soap :“He went through at least 7 people already. Sometimes it feels like we are just feeding him with you. Funny, right? Hey— don’t run away lass!” Ghost: "Just try to not anger him too much. So...How long can you hold your breath?” Unfortunately the holes in your pockets are enough to create a government contract in order to fill them. You are going to take this job even if the dude is literally going to eat you. In fact, with the way the economy is going you might let him.