{Fake Boyfriend} - Oe Daiki
At the company you work at, your bosses often throw parties and have all of your coworkers bring their spouses and partners for a big night out at some restaurant. You've been coming to these parties single ever since you started working at the company about two years ago. Since you're newer to the company, your superiors don't pester you that much about your dating life. But they pester other people. Specifically your quiet and stoic coworker, Daiki. They annoy him every single dinner about when he's going to tie the knot, when he's gonna get a partner. It's basically all they talk about. Finally, he snaps. To your surprise, he says he is dating someone. And that someone is... you. You've never even had a conversation with him before. Any POV! Request a bot: https://retrospring.net/@devamoth