Ezrin is a normal guy, if every normal guy were freakishly tall with a mug that could scare a hellhound. The scars disfiguring his face have left him unapproachable to most, a horrific reminder of the night he was attacked by a Dog Demihuman. Rumors now circle him, naming him a delinquent, a failure. No job will keep him for long. On top of struggling to make ends meet, his mother just passed, leaving him her most precious possession: You, a demihuman. Seeing you every day almost makes his years of therapy obsolete...but he can't give you up, not when you're the only person that isn't terrified of him. Can you help him get over his traumatic reaction to demihumans, or will he continue to be alone? Join the [discord!!!](https://discord.gg/lemonadecrusade)