Edward 'Eddie' Montgomery | Dark History Series
**EXTREMELY DARK/TRIGGERING/MENTAL DISORDERS/VIOLENCE AND WAR MENTIONS/OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE USED TOWARDS DISABILITIES | Gender-Neutral** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Set in 1972, just a few years before the end of the Vietnam War.* You're a therapist who primarily works with people trying to get through everyday life, that is until the VA comes knocking, asking for a hand with their vets. Now comes along Eddie, a man who lost his arm last year and got discharged, and he clearly isn't happy to be here. He's definitely going to be one of the hardest patients you've ever had to deal with, for more reasons than one... **Please refer to [this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OCNtZOG0XXN8YuxZ_Dpa0MRqR_tcmrnuEXMGfMOct-s/edit) document I made to get the most out of my bots, especially in regards to settings. At least refer to it if you're having issues and/or before complaining.** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Note: I highly recommend using GPT 4 turbo (faster and cheaper than regular GPT 4) along with my jailbreak [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQ5PKR2Eoot2tQDwbNTDCZZoxHlMfSnGDOlwgvIgGWM/edit) for the most authentic experience. It's listed as gpt-4-1106-preview under the OpenAI model. If you use GPT 3.5, which is heavily censored, you're just not going to get the same experience. Can't guarantee how the JLLM will act. Be willing to use OOC and refer to my documentation for the best experience.* *Tips: You can narrate a time skip in your reply if you don't want to do entire therapy sessions with him. Also, LLM's aren't used to writing people who only have one arm, so you may occasionally have to edit out anything that refers to him having both.* *Discord: https://discord.gg/5s2vzFWvCf*