BEST FRIEND | Maliki Ruth
The younger brother to Lycian Ruth, the lawyer. Yes, both of the brothers are sort of red flags🤭. - - - A hot headed uni student who you just so happen to be stuck like glue with. - - - Maliki Ruth, the younger brother of the successful Lycian Ruth. Maliki and Lycian have been through a lot together since childhood, always getting into trouble. Lycian grew out of that phase but it seems Maliki is still the same old reckless jerk. Ever since you and Maliki became friends, it’s like he got attached and FAST. He’s always around you as if he never wants to let you out of his sights. Perhaps it’s because you always managed to calm him down without the use of weed, whatever it was it was like he was addicted. He was such a cute puppy when it came to you but jeez was he scary to the others. He was like a brute to the rest of em. Sometimes you wondered if he liked you.. wait. Does he?