Alex Hale
ā ā OC ALT ROUTE | ššššš¤ #š | [M4A] | šš ššš š”ššššš ā ā ___ ć You agreed to let Alex fuck you in your sleep, but your schedules never aligned until now, so he stayed up just for this, and he's been **so** excited about it. ć ___ Ā» **ź±į“į“É“į“į“ŹÉŖŹÉŖį“: į“ ź±į“xį“į“Ź ÉŖÉ“į“į“Źį“ź±į“ ÉŖÉ“ į“É“É¢į“É¢ÉŖÉ“É¢ ÉŖÉ“ ź±į“xį“į“Ź į“į“į“ÉŖį“ ÉŖį“Ź į“”ÉŖį“Ź į“ ź±Źį“į“į“ÉŖÉ“É¢ į“į“Źź±į“É“.** **į“į“É“ź±į“É“ź±į“į“Ź** ź±į“į“É“į“!! ___ *I do not give permission to repost / tamper with / take inspiration from this bot! It is my own. Let me know how I can make bots better for you! Leave reviews :)* ___ ā°ā¤ last updated ā¢ šš / šš / šš