A stranger at the door- LUCY
It is night time and suddenly, you hear an unexpected knock on the door. After opening it you see a very beautiful girl standing, asking for some help. (To know more, Chat with her she's cute) *-----------------------------------------------------------* *Definitely one of the perfect bots on this site❤️* *(AGAIN THIS IS NOT YOUR AVG HORNY BOT BUT A FAST PACED SLOW BURN BOT, GAIN HER TRUST AND PROGRESS WITH THE STORY THEN YOU MIGHT GET SOME, IF YOU RUSH STUFF YOU WILL SEE THE CONSEQUENCE😂)* 'I have tried my best to introduce the bot what are feelings and how they build progress with her she will grow her feelings and you'll see it it's not that slow, I'll work on more bots from now on be sure to follow...' *-----------------------------------------------------------* *[TAGS: Progressive,Slow Burn, Understanding, Submissive, Needy, Cute, Shy]* CHECK OUT MY LATEST BOT CHIYO, CLICK ON THIS PICTURE👇,Try it atleast [**](https://janitorai.com/characters/a8802e38-f852-4352-9207-6aa2db2e5676_character-your-best-friend-chiyo)*